Finally, what's he's been waiting for all morning, the water jet! And he got rewarded with a water jet mist shower as I worked on the rest of the floor.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
My little helper
Finally, what's he's been waiting for all morning, the water jet! And he got rewarded with a water jet mist shower as I worked on the rest of the floor.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Peace Flower & Denim Surface Pro 4 Case Cover
Friday, March 11, 2016
Dusk by Gabriela Mistral
I feel my heart melting
in the mildness like candles:
my veins are slow oil
and not wine,
and I feel my life fleeing
hushed and gentle like the gazelle.
by Gabriela Mistral
Dear Human, you've got it all wrong
Dear Human:
You've got it all wrong.
You didn't come here to master unconditional love. This is where you came from and where you'll return.
You came here to learn personal love.
Universal love.
Messy love.
Sweaty Love.
Crazy love.
Broken love.
Whole love.
Infused with divinity.
Lived through the grace of stumbling.
Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up.
You didn't come here to be perfect, you already are.
You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous.
And rising again into remembering.
But unconditional love? Stop telling that story.
Love in truth doesn't need any adjectives.
It doesn't require modifiers.
It doesn't require the condition of perfection.
It only asks you to show up.
And do your best.
That you stay present and feel fully.
That you shine and fly and laugh and cry and hurt and heal and fall and get back up and play and work and live and die as YOU.
Its enough.
It's Plenty.
Courtney A. Walsh