Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another comfort food, Tomato Soup.

Tonight I cooked without onion or garlic, a major rarity for me. Oh, by choice too...

Tomato Soup with French Lentil, Spinach, White Fish Chunks, Pinenuts, Corn Niblets, Oregano and Chives. Seasoned with HotChick Spicy Salt.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Celebrating love

I don't do Valentine's Day, haven't done so in more than 15 years. Its my way of rebelling against the over commercialization of the day, why settle for three wilting rosebuds when you can get at least a dozen of gorgeous ones another day. I'd rather the money be spent on something else, or put toward that wonderful piece of jewelry I have been eyeing *hint hint*

Anyway, don't let me rain on your parade, have a great one all of you lovebugs, and you, yes you, who are secretly in love, perhaps today will be a new beginning. And for those who thinks they are in love with their bestfriend, don't go there, not all love stories are like those in the movies, you may risk jeopardizing your friendship if it doesn't work out.

Enjoy the friendship, let the love grow. Loving doesn't necessarily means being in love.

Lets celebrate love all year round.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

my secret addiction numero uno

You sneak it in late last night, after a quick trip to the 7-Eleven. Next morning you stealthily carry a giant mug of boiling hot water, mumbling 'for medicinal purpose' when asked whatever they are for, as you dash lightning fast into your room and locked the door behind you. 

You lift part of the foil cover, pour in the hot water right up to the line, cover it again and put a book on top to create a temporary seal. You wait the 180 seconds that feels like a lifetime, clipping the plastic fork into standby mode, tapping your finger as the aroma starts permeating the air. You lift the cover, gently stab into the cup, drawing and airing the hot pale gold strands. You move it closer to your mouth, salivating at the thoughts of the smooth springy noodles, slurping the air even before the fork touches your lips. 

Aahhh... Heaven. And you slowly take sips of the wonderful salty chicken soup in between, feeling it go down your throat and filling your belly with its warmth. I'd say its almost as good as a secret quickie (whatever) in the afternoon.

Cup noodles, the ultimate comfort food. Should be eaten with all the secret guilt, as you relish that at thirty-something, you will relive your teenage secret addiction, all the 250 calories of it.

Sneakily eating it is optional, but makes it taste all the better. It has to be Maggi Hot Cup, and it has to be chicken flavor, anything else, I might as well be eating in front of everyone.

He walks into the room, sniffing the air, looking at me accusingly and said, "You've been having cup noodles secretly, again! Why can't you be like normal people and eat it like normal people do, in the kitchen, at the dining table, in front of the tv... yada yada yada, nag nag nag..."

I just flutter my lashes and giggle. That hot cup still brings out the schoolgirl in me.

Monday, February 11, 2013

how do you fill your favorite mug?

I fill mine 
with coffee,
black as midnight,
bitter as lies,
so nothing else
can darken my life,
and nothing else
can hurt my soul

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

the one I miss

its the moment
that you miss,
not the person.

North South Highway