Monday, November 12, 2007

Snapshots of Growing Up in Trengganu

I got my GUiT!!!! I got Growing Up in Trengganu!!!

Tricked my other half into meeting some friends @ Gurney for lunch - reason? MPH apparently still have some copies of GUiT!

When I first asked for the book, the salesperson looked clueless, asking me to check with customer service insted. Then I remembered what Amir said about them being @ the Hot Pick shelves. There were only 4 copies left, we bought 2 (one a gift for a friend) and guess what I did next?

Hehehehe *evil grin* I moved the remaining 2 from the bottom shelf to the top shelf! Perfect eye-level. Moved some of Tunku Halim's too *more grin, sheepish this time*

The thrill of it all almost made me wish getting caught so that I can question why books by local authors are placed way at the bottom shelves, and we are talking about books on the best-seller list here!

Also got a couple of Tunku Halim's :) My friend swiped them both from the shopping bag while I was busy with the camera guy. Hey I want my books back!

I couldn't wait to start on the tales of Awang Goneng, dear KakTeh's partner in crime so I was flipping through it on the journey home, bad idea. I know perfectly well that I can't read in any moving vehicle, so I'm now feeling 'melugai'

The new camera been acting strangely. Whenever I attempt to transfer photos from the xD -card, only about half of the photos works while the rest of the files end up corrupted. After that, the card won't work anymore, I need to have it formatted. Lost lots of photos, mainly from the 2 events - the 'very secretive dinner' and the 'last minute sport event'! Alamak, I hope the others bothered to snap some shots during the 'do's

The camera guy offered to replace the card with a new one , we tried our luck and asked for an SD instead, and he agreed! And he offered a 2GB + 1GB SD Card in replacement to the 2GB xD-card, no extra charge! It must be our lucky day.

KakTeh, we are going to to Trengganu day after tomorrow, shall bring the book along to 'tayang'.


Anonymous said...

what so special of this book?

Faten Rafie said...

maria, it's a blook.
a compilation of memories of what life was like back then, especially in Trengganu. He's a great writer, you shouldn't give the book a miss. For a taste of his great writemanship (is there such word?) try Growing Up in Trengganu

Kak Teh said...

hooray!!! and a million times hooray for moving the books of our local authors to the top shelf! Thanks Athene - hope you enjoy the book. A friend went looking for GUIT at KLIA bookshop and was told snootily, we dont sell local authors! I think we shd put together a kind of volunteers to go around bookshops and move local authors to the top shelves..hehehe!

Pak Zawi said...

I guess by the time I am in Kl this 25th all copies of GUiT would be sold. You should heve kept a copy hidden at the bottom shelf for me. As a matter of fact I would have pushed up GUiT to the top shelf myself after getting my copy.
Happy reading.

elisataufik said...

I want this book too, but I guess I will have to wait till the next time I balik Malaysia.
I wonder if they sell it online?

elisataufik said...

Athene, tak payah lah susah2.. I'll just ask Firhad to buy me a copy and mail it to me, or keep it till I get home. :D

Faten Rafie said...


you have to get the book! your father has a special mention in it!

Anonymous said...

Salam Athene and Elisa
I was too excited to see the books, that I forgot to do the admirable thing and reposition the books to where they rightly belong. Maaf ya.

Elisa I think GUiT will be smooth sailing for you, as you are familiar with things uniquely Terengganu. I'm struggling with certain parts. For one thing GUiT makes us missed Azura's mum who passed away on Merdeka Day. Arwah would indulge us even if we were to ask her endlessly about this and that, which are mentioned in GUiT.

Anonymous said...

Trengganu is an old spelling. Now it is Terengganu. I wonder why still use the old version.

Kak Teh said...

anon 8:08,
and athene if I may explain. He used the old spelling because it was still Trengganu when he was growing up there and when the spelling changed he had already moved. He wanted to remember the old Trengganu . In fact, he explained the reason he chose to use Trengganu and not Terengganu in the book. Thank you.

Faten Rafie said...


thanks for explaining to anon, tak dan tadi nak jawab.

anon @ 8.08am, get the book already! AG explains the Trengganu vs. Terengganu in the preface... and it's a great book!

Tunku Halim said...

Your support for us local authors is very much appreciated. Keep it up! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info athene ya.
Entah kak teh still in penang friday ke tak ya?

FLEUR DE LiS said...

Hi there!

Do visit Fleur De Lis Bags for brand new and authentic designer handbags! We have Nine West, Aigner, Liz Claiborne and more, direct from US at amazing prices!

GuIT is an incredible book! Definitely worth reading :) Nice to know I'm not the only ones moving them to the front of the bookshelves at every bookstore I go to! :)
